14 research outputs found

    Trends in Turkish Science Education

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    The aim of the study is to determine the trends in Turkish Science Education on the basis of both master and doctoral theses involved. The researchers reviewed the online databases of the Higher Education Council and Proquest as well as the web page of graduate school of each university in Turkey which presents thesis archieve and investigated 444 graduate theses abstracts/fulltexts in regard to their created matrix (Year, Research Interest, Research Methodology and Sample). The document analysis has pointed out that in terms of research interest two general trends are apparent in Turkish science education research: (1) introducing science education between 1990 and 2000 (2) keeping up with new perspectives in the line of international trends. Also, in view of research methodology although interpretive research methodology has also been preffered since 1997, descriptive research design has still dominated in this context. Some suggestions were made for future research

    Teacher Educators' Views of "Model" Concept and Their Mental Models

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    UNAL, SUAT/0000-0002-0495-8385WOS: 000347033100008The aim of this study is to reveal teacher educators' views of model and also to determine their mental models about it. Phenomenographic research design has been carried out in this study. The sample of study consists of 14 teacher educators from education faculties of different universities in Turkey. Semi-structured interviews that consisted of 7 questions were used to collect data. Besides, sample was asked draw a concept map on "model" in the last interview question. Results have shown that teacher educators give similar responses including unqualified explanations to the interview questions related to the definition of model, characteristics of them, and the objectives of using models. It can also be asserted, that teacher educators do not have scientific understanding on the modeling process. The analyses of their responses to the interview questions and their concept maps have shown that most of the teacher educators in the sample have proximate or goal oriented mental models of the "model". Considering the results, it is suggested that teacher educators should not only follow the new theories, methods, or the applications in related literature theoretically, but also employ different theories, methods, or applications such as models and modeling in their courses

    Acetaminophen Mitigates Myocardial Injury Induced by Lower Extremity Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rat Model

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    WOS: 000441342700009PubMed: 30043918Objective: The injury-reducing effect of acetaminophen, an effective analgesic and antipyretic on ischemia-reperfusion continues to attract great attention. This study analyzed the protective effect of acetaminophen on myocardial injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion in an experimental animal model from lower extremity ischemia-reperfusion. Methods: Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley female rats were randomized into three groups (n=8) as (i) control group (only laparotomy), (ii) aortic ischemia-reperfusion group (60 min of ischemia and 120 min of reperfusion) and (iii) ischemia-reperfusion + acetaminophen group (15 mg/kg/h intravenous acetaminophen infusion starting 15 minutes before the end of the ischemic period and lasting till the end of the reperfusion period). Sternotomy was performed in all groups at the end of the reperfusion period and the heart was removed for histopathological examination. The removed hearts were histopathologically investigated for myocytolysis, polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) infiltration, myofibrillar edema and focal hemorrhage. Results: The results of histopathological examination showed that acetaminophen was detected to particularly diminish focal hemorrhage and myofibrillar edema in the ischemia-reperfusion + acetaminophen group (P<0.001, P=0.011), while there were no effects on myocytolysis and PMNL infiltration between the groups (P=1.000, P=0.124). Conclusion: Acetaminophen is considered to have cardioprotective effect in rats, by reducing myocardial injury induced by abdominal aortic ischemia-reperfusion

    A Novel Mutation of AMHR2 in Two Siblings with Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome

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    WOS: 000451667000014PubMed ID: 29687786Persistent Mullerian Duct syndrome (PMDS) develops due to deficiency of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMI I) or insensitivity of target organs to AMH in individuals with 46,XY karyotype. PMDS is characterized by normal male phenotype of external genitals, associated with persistence of Mullerian structures. This report includes the presentation of a 2.5 year old male patient due to bilateral undescended testis. His karyotype was 46,XY. The increase in testosterone following human chorionic gonadotropin stimulation test was normal. The patient was referred to our clinic after uterine, fallopian tube and vaginal remnants were recognized during the orchiopexy surgery. The family reported that the eight year old elder brother of the patient was operated on for right inguinal hernia and left undescended testis at the age of one year. A right transverse testicular ectopia was found in the elder brother. Both cases had normal AMH levels. AMHR2 gene was analyzed and a homozygous NM_020547.3:c.233-I G> A mutation was found that was not identified previously. In conclusion, we determined a novel mutation in the AMHR2 gene that was identified for the first time. This presented with different phenotypes in two siblings

    Silicified woods from two previously undescribed early Miocene forest sites near Seben, northwest Turkey

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    This paper introduces two new Miocene fossil forest sites in northwest Turkey. Both sites lie at an altitude of 900 m close to the town of Seben in the province of Bolu. One locality is near the village of Hocas; the second lies 17 km to the northwest of the village of Kozyaka. The silicified wood represents lower parts of trunks that were felled by an eruption associated with volcanic activity in the Galatean Volcanic Province. The Hops site yielded a total of 64 samples (51 in situ and 13 ex situ). Eight in situ trunks have been identified as Salix L/Populus L, Palmae,Juniperus L, Liquidambar L and Quercus L (evergreen); ex situ Cedrus Trew., Picea Mill. and Acer L were found lying on the surface of the soil. The Kozyaka site yielded a total of 26 samples (six in situ, 20 ex situ) including Cedrus, Pinus L., Acer, Salix/Populus, evergreen Quercus and Ulmus L. Today in Turkey these genera grow in coastal locations across a narrow altitudinal range. Collating data found herein with evidence from previous studies suggests that during the early Miocene subtropical to warm temperate conditions prevailed that supported a lakeside vegetation at the Hops site and a more typical upland or mountainous zone assemblage around the Kozyaka site. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Investigation of soft palate-uvula volume using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

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    WOS: 000423936400020Aim: MRI-based sleep studies have revealed that airway movement disorders are associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). High-quality airway images are crucial for the accurate interpretation and planning of airway obstruction treatments. Our aim is to compare soft palate and uvula volumes, measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in patients with mild and severe OSAS with those of normal individuals, and to examine the association between soft palate-uvula volume and OSAS. Material and Method: Retrospective evaluations were performed on MRI tests of 30 patients with mild OSAS and 30 patients with severe OSAS, all diagnosed using polysomnography and for whom cranial MRI was requested for various reasons. in addition, test subjects also included 30 individuals with no snoring symptoms who also underwent MRI tests. Soft palate and uvula volumes were measured on T2 sagittal images at cranial MRI using the Multiplanar Reformat (MPR) Roy free measurement technique. Results: the mean soft palate-uvula volumes of patients with mild and severe OSAS were 8.49 +/- 2.37 cm(3) and 11.29 +/- 4.22 cm(3), respectively, compared to 6.42 +/- 2.23 cm(3) for controls. Significant differences were determined in terms of soft palate and uvula volumes between the patients with mild and severe OSAS, as well as between the OSAS groups and the normal subjects (p< 0.05). Discussion: the significantly higher soft palate-uvula volume in patients with OSAS suggests that soft palate-uvula volume may play a role in the development of OSAS

    Efficacy of nasopharyngeal culture in identification of pathogens in middle ear fluid in chronic otitis media with effusion

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    Purpose: Chronic otitis media with effusion (OME) is the leading cause of hearing loss during childhood. In bacterial etiology of OME, the most frequent pathogens responsible are Haemophilus influenzae followed by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis . This study aimed at evaluating the accuracy of nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens in the identification of pathogens in the middle ear fluid (MEF) in patients with OME. Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional, case-control study, 95 MEFs and 53 NP secretion specimens were obtained from 53 children. As a control group, 102 NP specimens were taken from children having an operation other than an otological disease. Conventional culture methods and multiplex-PCR method have been used to determine the etiology of OME; NP carriage between cases and control groups were compared using conventional culture methods. Pearson Chi-Square and Fishers Exact tests were used in statistical analysis. Results : Bacteria were isolated by culture in 37.9 of MEF specimens, 14.7 of which belonged to the group H. influenzae , S. pneumoniae and M. catarrhalis. PCR was positive in 30.5 specimens targeting the same pathogens. There was a two-fold increase in carriage rate of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae in patients than controls for each pathogen. Conclusion: PCR is a more reliable method to detect middle ear pathogens in MEF in comparison with the conventional culture methods. The NP colonization wasnt found to be an indicator of the pathogen in MEF although middle ear pathogens colonize more in nasopharynx of diseased children

    National guidelines on the management of venous thromboembolism: Joint guideline of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, and Phlebology Society

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    These evidence-based guidelines from the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, and Phlebology Society intend to support clinicians in best decisions regarding the treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE). The Editor was selected by the three national societies and was tasked with the recruitment of the recognized panel. All financial support was solely derived from the sponsoring societies without the direct involvement of industry or other external stakeholders. The panel prioritized clinical questions and outcomes according to their importance for clinicians in terms of VTE. The panel agreed on 42 recommendations under 15 headings for the diagnosis, initial management, secondary prevention of VTE, and treatment of recurrent VTE events. Important recommendations included the use of ultrasonography, preference for home treatment over hospital treatment for uncomplicated VTE, preference for direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) over vitamin K antagonists for primary treatment of cancer and non-cancer-related VTE, extended or indefinite anticoagulation with DOACs in selected high-risk patients. Early catheter-directed thrombectomy was recommended in only young symptomatic patients with a diagnosis of fresh iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis